Neighbourhood Plan
Latest News
Introduction - What is the purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan?
Over the past two years, the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee, a body of local volunteers and councillors, have been working on the development of the New Alresford Neighbourhood Plan. This will replace the Design Statement, a planning document that has served the town well since we wrote it in 2008, but it is time for it to be updated.
The Plan's aim is to protect New Alresford's identity and sense of place as a vibrant, small market town. This can be achieved by setting out policies for the town to ensure our community gets the right type of development and planning decisions passed in the future, whilst protecting assests-green or built-which are important to the community and enhance the quality of life. To date we have held two public meetings and invited residents and businesses to complete an on-line questionnaire to share their thoughts and concerns about our town.
The next event we encourage you to attend and see our progress to date is a Community Engagement Day at The Swan Hotel from 11am to 5.30pm on Thursday, 29th June or between 6 and 7pm on Monday, 10th July at Alresford Recreation Centre. It is vital that as many viewpoints as possible are expressed, so that when the Neighbourhood Plan reaches its final round of independent examination, it will be a true reflection of the community's aspirations for the future of our town.
Latest Updates
Neighbourhood Plan Business & Residents Survey 2024
New Alresford Town Council are preparing a Neighbourhood plan which will set out the vision, objectives, and planning policies for New Alresford for many years to come. One of the key themes for the neighbourhood plan is employment and economic development. If you own or run a local business or shop in the Town Centre, we would very much like to hear from you.
We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the survey that asks several important questions which will help the advisory group and town council gain a better understanding.
On 10th August 2023, Winchester City Council announced a revision to the Local Development Scheme and the outline of work to achieve it. They have published information on the council's website There is also a link to this on the New Alresford Town Council website.
The New Alresford Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee has discussed this revision and agreed to continue community engagement. They will maintain progress by continuing research on the things you, the people of the town, feel are important as the place you have chosen to live in and maintain the momentum on the Town Plan. The Advisory Committee will meet quarterly to complete the components of the Plan that are achievable and align with the evolving Winchester District Local Plan. The next meeting will be 13th November 2023.
Click here to download the Neighbourhood Plan. Please send any comments regarding the Neighbourhood Plan to
Local Heritage List - The advisory Committee would like to create new nominations for this list. Please see the associated documents for this under DOCUMENTS.
Calling all businesses - To assist the Neighbourhood Plan, the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee is asking all businesses in the area to complete a short survey. If you own or run your own business can you please spare approx 15 minutes to complete. We aim to host a Business Round Table event at the conclusion of the survey which has further information.
Call out for sites – This is an opportunity for landowners, developers, and the community to propose available sites within New Alresford. This exercise will not in itself decide whether a site would be supported or allocated for development by the Neighbourhood Plan, nor will it commit the proposer(s) to apply for planning permission. All sites will be considered through an objective and transparent site assessment and site selection process.
Please see below document tab for further information and application form. Closing date 31 October 2022.
Your Comments
A huge thank you to all the residents who took the time to come along to the Community Engagement Day on 29th June and on 10th July at Alresford Recreation Centre to give their views on the Neighbourhood Plan. It is very much appreciated, your opinion on the emerging plan is very important.
Please click the links below to download the pdf associated:
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The Plan’s aim is to protect New Alresford’s identity and sense of place as a vibrant, small market town. This can be achieved by setting out policies for the town to ensure our community gets the right type of development and planning decisions passed in the future, whilst protecting assets – green or built – which are important to the community and enhance our quality of life.
We want to know what you think is important to your town. Whether it be to save a favourite view, Local Green Space or to nominate a building for the Heritage List, all your opinions will be taken into consideration.
Advisory Committee Members
Councillors Byrne, Bean and Jeffs. Gareth Rees, Jan Field, Sam Dalling and Lorraine Bailey
The Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee welcome contributions from residents and visitors and can be contacted via email -
Advisory Committee Meetings