Improvements to the River Path


Hampshire County Council has commissioned works to repair the riverside path known as New Alresford Footpath 10 which, on the ground, leads from The Dean to Ladywell Lane.
Mobilisation on site will commence from the 27th of August and works are programmed to continue until around 11th October. The contractor’s compound will be sited in the nearby recreation ground and the footpaths emanating from The Dean will be subject to closures to facilitate the works. 
The works will consist of repair and replacement of the failing bank revetment and the raising of the path height by approximately 100mm, to help avoid flooding of the path during the periods of high-water levels. Native species planting will be incorporated into the bank repair to soften the existing hard revetment and increase the biodiversity of river.
Hampshire County Council apologises in advance for any disruption that may be caused.